
We love to make food that inspires midnight cravings and second helpings. Food that’s happy-making for people, animals, the environment—and most of all, taste buds.

Italian Pizza Hack Wrap

All the kids were doing it, so we thought we would finally give the hack wrap a try and what better way than with pizza as our inspo.

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Grilled Sausage Calzone

Just 3 easy steps to toasty, melty calzone goodness.

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BBQ Pineapple Chick’n Sliders

Fire up the grill! This party is getting started. We highly recommend enjoying each bite with a cold, frosty glass of beer.

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Texas Round-Up Wrap

Round up all your favorite southwest inspired goodies and roll in your favorite tortilla. Giddy up!

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Napa Chick’n Salad

We may have copycated this one from the place known for its 90s bread bowls, but hey, copying is the best form of flattery, right?

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Roast with Mushroom Gravy

This dish will be an instant hit on the Thanksgiving table.

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