Tasty plant-based meats & cheeses. For your kinda crowd.

Tasty plant-based meats & cheeses. For your kinda crowd.

Create a destination-menu, filled with fun, flavor and choice, for meat-eaters, plant-eaters and those who resist labels.

Friendly To Prepare

Deli Meats, Chick'n, Pepp'roni & Cheese are seamless service ingredients; whether served cold, seared or baked in your trusted recipes.

Friend Of The Tastebud

Protein-packed and full of flavor to complement your menu. Assortments flexible enough for the comfort-food craver or the health-conscious athlete.

Friend Of The Planet

These tasty meats conserve land and water resources, reduce waste and pollution to respect the planet we all share.

Is food more fun when it's served plant-based?

Yep. So, hot dogs, sandwiches, pizza = already fun right? That means when you incorporate plant-based meats into your menu, you serve 2x the fun in a single meal. We like those numbers.

Next-Gen Deli Slices

Our new plant-based deli slices taste remarkably meaty. For meat-eaters and meat-missers, it’s love at first bite.

Deli Slices

Tofurky is America’s #1 selling brand of meatless deli-slices for two reasons; taste and texture.


Our plant-based ‘roni hits all the right notes: tangy, peppery and nicely spiced, with a rich, savory punch of umami.


Shreds like you wouldn’t believe. This fresh, approachable and versatile product can be seared, steamed or tossed cold with your favorite veggies.


Our Roast is filled with a flavorful wild rice and bread crumb stuffing, ready to be basted, roasted, carved and devoured.

Hot Dogs

These tasty franks are 100% plant-based and allergen free, for everyone to enjoy. Just like your ballpark favorites, these sausages cook up great on a roller grill, in a steam tray, or plucked straight from the grill.

Dairy-Free Shredded Cheese

Yummier pizza, tacos and mac n cheese are just a few sprinkles away.

Dang Delicious, Anyway You Prepare It.

Everything's better with plant-based meats & cheeses. Pizza, pasta, sandwiches and definitely salads.

Ask us anything.

Running a food service business is hectic, you need fewer questions and more answers. We got you.

“Currently, nearly half of all restaurants in the United States offer plant-based options on their menus, with a 62% increase in plant-based menu items over the past decade.” (Source: Datassentials Feb 2023)

“A whopping 43% of consumers agree that the availability of plant-based food and beverages improves the restaurant experience always or at least some of the time; this sentiment was the most prevalent among Gen Z and Millennial consumers.” (Source: Datassentials Feb 2023)

43% of consumers (Mostly Millenial and Gen Z) believe that having plant-based food and beverages on the menu enhance their restaurant experience. & 19% of consumers surveyed mentioned their last plant-based meal occasion was away from home. (Source: Datassentials Feb 2023)

Pepp’roni, Hot Dogs and Shredded Cheese contain zero allergens.

Check out the spec sheets for each one of our products to narrow in on specifics – but a great general range is between 12 and 19 grams of protein per portion of plant-based meat.

Absolutely! These plant-based products can be stored, cooked, held and served just like other proteins in your operation. Think of them as “seamless” in your service planning.

We would not recommend re-freezing the products. The case packs are designed with layering or individual units that can be slacked for a service.

Some of our products are kosher, including: Chick’n, Deli Slices, and Roasts

Some of our products are Gluten Free including: Shredded Cheese, Pepperoni and Hot Dogs

America’s #1 selling brand of plant-based deli slices.

Our slices stack superbly on a sandwich or tuck effortlessly into a wrap. Reubens, paninis and club sandwiches have never been better dressed.

Try them
Try them

Pull from your preferred distributor.

Team up with one of our national or regional distribution partners, or pull through Dot Foods or Webstaurant.

Sample-Up or Talk-Tofurky.

You can put anything you want on your menu, but you probably want Tofurky and Moocho products. We can help. Drop us a line in the form below and our sales team will be with you in a jiffy.

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Please note this form is intended for food service and restaurant professionals. If this doesn't apply to you, please email us at info@tofurky.com. We'd love to hear from you!

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