
Spring Tofurky Sausage Panini

Sandwich meditations, chapter seven: sausage. Let your mind wander through the kitchen of your dreams, waiting for inspiration to strike. An aroma swims into focusTofurky Italian Sausage is sizzling in a hot pan, the edges crisping and releasing their sweet sun dried tomato essence. That sound- a blade sawing through a crusty roll, revealing its tender interior. You’re sent spinning by thoughts of punchy arugula and piquant roasted red peppers. Breathe. Focus. All this YUM coming to completion smashed, crisped, melted- you have arrived. Now say it with us, Panini. Panini. Panini.  

<strong>Makes 2 sandwiches</strong>

what you’ll need:

¼ cup vegan mayo, divided

2 Tofurky Italian Sausage, sliced lengthwise

2 large rolls, like ciabatta or telera

½ cup roasted red peppers

6 thin slices of red onion (fresh or pickled)

4 slices vegan cheese, provolone style

1 cup baby arugula

2 tablespoons vegan butter

how to make:

1. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add sausages cut-side down to cook until browned, about 5 minutes, then flip and cook for one minute more. Set sausages aside.

2. Split crusty rolls, then spread the insides of each with mayo. Add griddled sausage to the bottom half of each roll, cutting to fit if needed. Layer with cheese, red peppers, onion, and arugula, then cap with top rolls.

3. In the same skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add sandwiches and use a large flat spatula to squish down. Grill until browned, about 2 minutes, then flip (adding more vegan butter if needed) to toast the other side, pressing again to squish the sandwich into the hot pan.

4. Once sandwiches are griddled on both sides, slice diagonally and dig in!